Finite Element Analysis Approach for Optimization of Enzyme Activity for Enzymatic Bio-fuel Cell
Enzymatic biofuel cells (EBFCs) are miniature, implantable power sources, which use enzymes as catalysts to perform redox reaction with biological fuels such as glucose. In this study using COMSOL Multiphysics, we use an EBFC chip, having three dimensional, highly dense micro-electrode arrays, fabricated by C-MEMS micro-fabrication techniques. Glucose oxidase (GOx) is immobilized on anodes for the oxidation of glucose from blood, and laccase is immobilized on cathodes for the reduction of dissolved oxygen in the body. There are two significant issues related to biofuel cells, which mainly helps in improving EBFCs efficiency: one is the direct electron transfer between an enzyme and electrode, and the other one is how to generate maximum current density or power density.

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