Modeling CO2 storage Using Coupled Reservoir-Geomechanical Analysis
The geomechanical effects related to CO2 injection into the Krechba formation at In Salah, Algeria, are considered through a coupled modeling approach to simulate simultaneously CO2 migration in the aquifer and the surrounding formations, as well as the poro-elastic stress changes occurring during injection. The model is based on the simultaneous resolution of the governing equations for two-phase fluid flow in porous medium and poro-elasticity. CO2 from the produced oil and gas is re-injected into the ground as part of a CO2 storage demonstration project where one of the main goals is to verify long-term storage capacity from short-term monitoring. A significant heave at the injection sites is observed and a 3D FEM model is defined using COMSOL Multiphysics to verify it. The high observed uplift of the surface above the injection site is supported by simulations.

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