Simulation Of Heat Generation From Vibration In COMSOL Multiphysics
Vibrations are an essential part of our day to day engineering environment, which happen in automobiles, avionics, machines, electric motors, structures, electronic equipments, etc. When a system is vibrating under higher frequencies leads to higher displacement, noise and heat generation. Thus it is essential to study these effects of vibrations to improve the stability of parts in machines. In this paper, heat generation and temperature distribution is studied for a longitudinally vibrating beam under its resonant conditions. Every material has its unique internal damping characteristic against vibrations. This causes heat generation in a material. The first resonance frequency of beam is found by Eigen frequency analysis for the longitudinal vibration and performed frequency response analysis to get the conditions for an expected displacement of vibration. Then the frequency response analysis is coupled with COMSOL\'s Heat Transfer Module to study the heat generation and temperature distribution of a beam.

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