Study of Thermo-Electrical and Mechanical Coupling During Densification of a Polycrystalline Material Using COMSOL

F. Mechighel[1,2,3], B. Pateyron[1], M. El Ganaoui[1], and M. Kadja[3]
[1]CNRS SPCTS UMR 6638, Universite de Limoges, France
[2]Département de Génie Mécanique, Universite de Annaba, Algerie
[3]Département de Génie Mécanique, Universite de Constantine, Algerie
发布日期 2008

Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) is a promising rapid consolidation technique that allows a better understanding and manipulation of sintering kinetics and therefore makes it possible to obtain polycrystalline materials (ceramic or metallic) with tailored microstructures. A numerical simulation of the electrical, thermal and mechanical coupling during SPS is performed. Equations for conservation for energy, electrical charge and mechanical equilibrium are solved simultaneously. The strong coupling in term of temperature, on the thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity are considered. 
