Thermo Mechanical Analysis of Divertor Test Mock-up using COMSOL Multiphysics
Divertor is act as an exhaust for the nuclear fusion reactor. Main function of a divertor is to remove the heat flux from the plasma. Plasma facing components of the divertor are made up of Carbon (Graphite/CFC) and tungsten like materials[1]. Hence these materials are exposed to the transient heat loads up to 10MW/m^2. Thermo mechanical behavior of Graphite test mock-up under the transient heat loads was simulated using heat transfer and structural mechanics modules of COMSOL Multiphysics[2]. 3D semi-model of Graphite test mock-up was developed in COMSOL Multiphysics. Material properties and boundary conditions are assigned to it. Extracted heat flux by mock-up is 7.22 MW/m^2 which corresponds to incident heat flux 10MW/m^2 was incident on mock-up and temperature profile has been calculated as shown in figure 1. Stress developed during transient heat loads at various parts of mock-up has been calculated using structural mechanics[3].

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