
各个行业的工程师和科研人员都在使用多物理场仿真来研发创新的产品设计和流程。他们在 COMSOL 用户年会上展示了丰富的技术论文和演示文稿,您可以从他们的研究成果中寻找灵感。


查看 COMSOL 用户年会 2020 论文

Simulation Methods and Teachingx

Hybrid FEM-BEM Approach for Two- and Three-Dimensional Open Boundary Magnetostatic Problems

A. Weddemann[1], D. Kappe[2], and A. Hütten[2]
[1]Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, USA
[2]Department of Physics, Thin Films and Physics of Nanostructures, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany

In principal, the calculation of the magnetic state inside a magnetic object requires the evaluation of the ... 扩展阅读

Using COMSOL for Smart Determination of Material Properties Using Inverse Modeling Techniques

J. van Schijndel, S. Uittenbosch, and T. Thomassen
Eindhoven University of Technology
Eindhoven, Netherlands

The paper presents the development of a method that determines building material and surface properties using ... 扩展阅读

Sequential Simulation in COMSOL using Differential Equations to Perform Digital Switching

L. Lam, and R. Darling
University of Washington
Seattle, WA

Many physical systems contain sequential modes of operation. The sequence is one-way and switching between ... 扩展阅读

Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Modelling - COMSOL Uses in Undergraduate Education

L. Desgrosseilliers, and D. Groulx
Mechanical Engineering
Dalhousie University
Halifax, NS

A cornerstone of Chemical and Mechanical Engineering undergraduate programs the world over is the ... 扩展阅读

Making Cartograms and Using them for Data Acquisition

P. Mercure[1], and R. Haley[2]
[1]The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI
[2]ATM Research, Midland, MI

We demonstrate cartogram construction, where a geographical map is distorted to represent some measure, for ... 扩展阅读

Multiphysics Simulations in Complex 3D Geometry of the High Flux Isotope Reactor Fuel Elements using COMSOL

J. Freels, and P. Jain
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN

A current research and development project is ongoing to convert the operating High Flux Isotope Reactor ... 扩展阅读

Finite Element Convergence for Time-Dependent PDEs with a Point Source in COMSOL 4

M. Gobbert, and D. Trott
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Baltimore, MD

Many application problems have non-smooth forcing terms, such as the Dirac delta function. The convergence ... 扩展阅读

COMSOL-Based Nuclear Reactor Kinetics Studies at the HFIR

D. Chandler[1], J. Freels[2], R. Primm III[3], and G. Maldonado[1]
[1]Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
[2]Research Reactors Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
[3]Primm Consulting, LLC., Knoxville, TN

The computational ability to accurately predict the dynamic behavior of a nuclear reactor core in response to ... 扩展阅读

Large Scale Simulation on Clusters Using COMSOL

D. Pepper[1], X. Wang[2], S. Senator[3], J. Lombardo[4], and D. Carrington[5]
[5]T-3 LANL

Darrell Pepper is Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Nevada Center for Advanced ... 扩展阅读

Is Experimentation More Intuitive?

R. Venkataraghavan
Unilever R&D
Bangalore, India

Venkataraghavan is the Discover Category Leader, Water, working at the interface of Science, Technology and ... 扩展阅读