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How to measure the current through a wire (ex: cooper wire)

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Hi everyone...

I've seen some discussions about this subject but i still don't get it how to do it!
First of all, i'm working with Comsol 4.0a, and the project that i'm doing its something like a heating boots. I've already created the wires and applyed 0 volts and 1 volts on the tips of the wire, now i can measure the temperature that the wire can give but i really need to see how much current it drains!
It can be measured at any point of the wire because it will be the same bahhh....
to see one example that i created its like that:

can please someone tell me how? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


1 Reply Last Post 2011年3月3日 GMT-5 14:27
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2011年3月3日 GMT-5 14:27

normally in the set of variables you will find the current densities, you select the appropriate one and integrate it over the wire section somewhere along the path either with a postprocessing integration or vi an Definition - Operator integration on the selected boundary. then you call this operator in a globalequation call in the result section

Good luck
Hi normally in the set of variables you will find the current densities, you select the appropriate one and integrate it over the wire section somewhere along the path either with a postprocessing integration or vi an Definition - Operator integration on the selected boundary. then you call this operator in a globalequation call in the result section -- Good luck Ivar

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