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Piezoelectric devices and associated losses

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I am working on a model for a piezoelectric transducer and i have some questions regarding the loss calculations.

I used the built in material PZT-5A and so all the values are already filled in, except all the loss matrices are empty. I was wanting to create a lossless model at first, however the results that I get seem to take into account the apparent losses. Is it because the material properties already have these values stored somewhere? if yes where should I look?
Or is it the equations that COMSOL uses that incorporate the losses by themselves. In this case as well where can I look for and eventually change these values?

I went through the piezoelectric models in the model library as well, and these too have empty loss matrices but the models give realistic results incorporating losses.

Could someone please shed some light on this matter.

Thank you very much.

0 Replies Last Post 2012年8月1日 GMT-4 05:32
COMSOL Moderator

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