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Obtain two simulations, RF Module, 4.2a

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Dear All,

If I do some simulations from for wavelengths from 400nm to 1300nm, and after that from 1300nm to 2500nm, is there possible to obtain these two results in one?

Thanks in advanced.

2 Replies Last Post 2012年8月8日 GMT-4 05:33
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012年8月8日 GMT-4 01:17

if you try a frequency domain with a combined range of the type {range(400,100,1300) range(1350,50,2500)}*1E-9

it should work, but you can change at will the stepping, or even use only 1 range() operator. The only thing, the sequence should be STRICTLY monotonous (increasing or decreasing, and not repeating (this is no longer so in 4.3 if I have read the RN correct)

Good luck
Hi if you try a frequency domain with a combined range of the type {range(400,100,1300) range(1350,50,2500)}*1E-9 it should work, but you can change at will the stepping, or even use only 1 range() operator. The only thing, the sequence should be STRICTLY monotonous (increasing or decreasing, and not repeating (this is no longer so in 4.3 if I have read the RN correct) -- Good luck Ivar

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012年8月8日 GMT-4 05:33
Hello Ivar,

Thank you very much on your help.


Hello Ivar, Thank you very much on your help. Regards, Nikola

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