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时长: 47

COMSOL 用户年会 2017:拓展人脉、学习探索、开拓创新

COMSOL 用户年会 2017 是多物理场仿真行业的年度盛会,在这里您将有机会与来自各个行业的工程师以及学术界的仿真专业人士交流探索 ...

时长: 9:58

Xi Engineering 公司演示如何通过 COMSOL Server™ 访问 App

视频演示了如何通过 COMSOL Server™ 访问、运行以及使用 App,视频中的 App 用于分析工厂地板上机器的振动情况 ...

时长: 21:13

Keynote: Predicting Leak Locations in Pipes with Simulation

In his keynote talk at the COMSOL Conference 2016 Boston, Sebastien ...

时长: 24:42

Keynote: Advancing Multiphysics Analysis with Simulation Apps

In his keynote talk at the COMSOL Conference 2016 Boston, Ed Furlani from ...

时长: 25:17

Keynote: Leveraging Modeling and First Principles Thinking

In his keynote talk at the COMSOL Conference 2016 Boston, Bernard McGarvey ...

时长: 24:08

Keynote: Transport Processes in Microfluidics and Photonics

In his keynote talk at the COMSOL Conference 2016 Boston, Carl Meinhart ...

时长: 17:56

Keynote: Improving Oil Recovery Methods with Simulation

In his keynote presentation at the COMSOL Conference 2015 Grenoble, ...

时长: 24:22

Keynote: Multiphysics Simulation for Carbon and Graphite Applications

In his presentation from the COMSOL Conference 2015 Boston, Rick Beyerle ...

时长: 25:20

Keynote: Enhancing Welding Applications with Simulation

In his keynote presentation at the COMSOL Conference 2015 Grenoble, Sadok ...

时长: 19:09

Keynote: Multiphysics Simulation Analysis Loudspeaker Drivers

In his keynote presentation at the COMSOL Conference 2015 Grenoble, ...

时长: 28:34

主题演讲:开发和部署仿真 App

在 2015 年 COMSOL 用户年会波士顿站的主题演讲中,AltaSim Technologies 的联合创始人兼负责人 Jeff ...

时长: 39

参加免费上机操作 Workshop,学习使用 COMSOL Multiphysics 软件

在本地举办的 Workshop 上,您不仅能得到 COMSOL Multiphysics 仿真软件的试用版,我们还将指导您从零开始设定及求解模型 ...

时长: 15:40

Keynote: Whirlpool Uses Simulation to Improve the Efficiency of Kitchen Appliances

As an industrial partner in Europe's GREENKITCHEN initiative, Whirlpool R ...

时长: 28:21

Keynote: Modeling Piezoelectric Acoustic Actuation in Industrial Inkjet Printheads

At the COMSOL Conference 2014 Cambridge, Peter Boltryk and Mani ...

时长: 29:57

Benchmarking COMSOL Software on Computer Clusters

At the COMSOL Conference 2013, Winfried Geis delivered a keynote speech ...

时长: 47

COMSOL 用户年会 2017:拓展人脉、学习探索、开拓创新

COMSOL 用户年会 2017 是多物理场仿真行业的年度盛会,在这里您将有机会与来自各个行业的工程师以及学术界的仿真专业人士交流探索 ...

时长: 9:58

Xi Engineering 公司演示如何通过 COMSOL Server™ 访问 App

视频演示了如何通过 COMSOL Server™ 访问、运行以及使用 App,视频中的 App 用于分析工厂地板上机器的振动情况 ...

时长: 21:13

Keynote: Predicting Leak Locations in Pipes with Simulation

In his keynote talk at the COMSOL Conference 2016 Boston, Sebastien ...

时长: 24:42

Keynote: Advancing Multiphysics Analysis with Simulation Apps

In his keynote talk at the COMSOL Conference 2016 Boston, Ed Furlani from ...

时长: 25:17

Keynote: Leveraging Modeling and First Principles Thinking

In his keynote talk at the COMSOL Conference 2016 Boston, Bernard McGarvey ...

时长: 24:08

Keynote: Transport Processes in Microfluidics and Photonics

In his keynote talk at the COMSOL Conference 2016 Boston, Carl Meinhart ...

时长: 17:56

Keynote: Improving Oil Recovery Methods with Simulation

In his keynote presentation at the COMSOL Conference 2015 Grenoble, ...

时长: 24:22

Keynote: Multiphysics Simulation for Carbon and Graphite Applications

In his presentation from the COMSOL Conference 2015 Boston, Rick Beyerle ...

时长: 25:20

Keynote: Enhancing Welding Applications with Simulation

In his keynote presentation at the COMSOL Conference 2015 Grenoble, Sadok ...

时长: 19:09

Keynote: Multiphysics Simulation Analysis Loudspeaker Drivers

In his keynote presentation at the COMSOL Conference 2015 Grenoble, ...

时长: 28:34

主题演讲:开发和部署仿真 App

在 2015 年 COMSOL 用户年会波士顿站的主题演讲中,AltaSim Technologies 的联合创始人兼负责人 Jeff ...

时长: 39

参加免费上机操作 Workshop,学习使用 COMSOL Multiphysics 软件

在本地举办的 Workshop 上,您不仅能得到 COMSOL Multiphysics 仿真软件的试用版,我们还将指导您从零开始设定及求解模型 ...

时长: 15:40

Keynote: Whirlpool Uses Simulation to Improve the Efficiency of Kitchen Appliances

As an industrial partner in Europe's GREENKITCHEN initiative, Whirlpool R ...

时长: 28:21

Keynote: Modeling Piezoelectric Acoustic Actuation in Industrial Inkjet Printheads

At the COMSOL Conference 2014 Cambridge, Peter Boltryk and Mani ...

时长: 29:57

Benchmarking COMSOL Software on Computer Clusters

At the COMSOL Conference 2013, Winfried Geis delivered a keynote speech ...

时长: 47

COMSOL 用户年会 2017:拓展人脉、学习探索、开拓创新

COMSOL 用户年会 2017 是多物理场仿真行业的年度盛会,在这里您将有机会与来自各个行业的工程师以及学术界的仿真专业人士交流探索 ...

时长: 9:58

Xi Engineering 公司演示如何通过 COMSOL Server™ 访问 App

视频演示了如何通过 COMSOL Server™ 访问、运行以及使用 App,视频中的 App 用于分析工厂地板上机器的振动情况 ...

时长: 21:13

Keynote: Predicting Leak Locations in Pipes with Simulation

In his keynote talk at the COMSOL Conference 2016 Boston, Sebastien ...

时长: 24:42

Keynote: Advancing Multiphysics Analysis with Simulation Apps

In his keynote talk at the COMSOL Conference 2016 Boston, Ed Furlani from ...

时长: 25:17

Keynote: Leveraging Modeling and First Principles Thinking

In his keynote talk at the COMSOL Conference 2016 Boston, Bernard McGarvey ...

时长: 24:08

Keynote: Transport Processes in Microfluidics and Photonics

In his keynote talk at the COMSOL Conference 2016 Boston, Carl Meinhart ...

时长: 17:56

Keynote: Improving Oil Recovery Methods with Simulation

In his keynote presentation at the COMSOL Conference 2015 Grenoble, ...

时长: 24:22

Keynote: Multiphysics Simulation for Carbon and Graphite Applications

In his presentation from the COMSOL Conference 2015 Boston, Rick Beyerle ...

时长: 25:20

Keynote: Enhancing Welding Applications with Simulation

In his keynote presentation at the COMSOL Conference 2015 Grenoble, Sadok ...

时长: 19:09

Keynote: Multiphysics Simulation Analysis Loudspeaker Drivers

In his keynote presentation at the COMSOL Conference 2015 Grenoble, ...

时长: 28:34

主题演讲:开发和部署仿真 App

在 2015 年 COMSOL 用户年会波士顿站的主题演讲中,AltaSim Technologies 的联合创始人兼负责人 Jeff ...

时长: 39

参加免费上机操作 Workshop,学习使用 COMSOL Multiphysics 软件

在本地举办的 Workshop 上,您不仅能得到 COMSOL Multiphysics 仿真软件的试用版,我们还将指导您从零开始设定及求解模型 ...

时长: 15:40

Keynote: Whirlpool Uses Simulation to Improve the Efficiency of Kitchen Appliances

As an industrial partner in Europe's GREENKITCHEN initiative, Whirlpool R ...

时长: 28:21

Keynote: Modeling Piezoelectric Acoustic Actuation in Industrial Inkjet Printheads

At the COMSOL Conference 2014 Cambridge, Peter Boltryk and Mani ...

时长: 29:57

Benchmarking COMSOL Software on Computer Clusters

At the COMSOL Conference 2013, Winfried Geis delivered a keynote speech ...