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Pyramid with rounded corners

Maximilian Hoerantner

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Hey all!

I am very new to COMSOL and for a research project I am now trying to model plasmonic effects on the tip of small pyramids.
The problem I have encountered is that I don't want any divergence of the effects in my model so I would like to simulate it with rounded corners of a radius I define in the parameters.
I know it is not easy to approach this as COMSOL unfortunately offers no fillet tool in 3D. Therefore I tried to do it the hard way by using spheres and cylinders but that takes for ever and needs a lot of trigonometry calculations. For that reason I wanted to ask if anyone of you has ever done that before and if you had any tipps to do it differently or if not provide a recipe to do it step by step?
That would safe me a lot of work.

Thanks for your comments,

3 Replies Last Post 2016年7月8日 GMT-4 09:55
Jeff Hiller COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012年11月27日 GMT-5 10:02
Indeed, except for special cases where 3D filleting can be mimicked with spheres and cylinders, COMSOL does not currently offer 3D filleting. In the meantime, a work-around is to use a CAD package to generate the geometry and then import it via the CAD Import Module or one of the LiveLinks.
Hello, Indeed, except for special cases where 3D filleting can be mimicked with spheres and cylinders, COMSOL does not currently offer 3D filleting. In the meantime, a work-around is to use a CAD package to generate the geometry and then import it via the CAD Import Module or one of the LiveLinks. Jeff

Maximilian Hoerantner

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012年11月27日 GMT-5 10:10
Thank you, I already thought about this too. the only problem would be that I could not just change the paramters and get different pyramids for that which is a nice feature of COMSOL. But I might be patient enough to build it with spheres and cylinders!
Thank you, I already thought about this too. the only problem would be that I could not just change the paramters and get different pyramids for that which is a nice feature of COMSOL. But I might be patient enough to build it with spheres and cylinders!

Jeff Hiller COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 9 years ago 2016年7月8日 GMT-4 09:55
Update: 3D filleting is available in the Design Module since version 5.0: . I am attaching a screenshot showing how easy it is now.
Update: 3D filleting is available in the Design Module since version 5.0: . I am attaching a screenshot showing how easy it is now. Best, Jeff

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