How to temporarily assign the number of cpu cores through matlab?

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Hi there,

I want to run several modelings at the same time through opening several terminals of comsol with matlab.

The question is the size of the models varies from case to case. I think it would be more efficient to assign different number of cpu cores through matlab code for each specific modeling. Is it possible to run several modeling assigned with different number of cores at the same time?

More importantly, I know how to change the number of cores through comsol gui. I was wondering how to temporarily change it through matlab code.

Thank you so much!


1 Reply Last Post 2024年6月11日 GMT-4 21:22

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Posted: 2 weeks ago 2024年6月11日 GMT-4 21:22

If each comsol with matlab runs independently, this seems to be a simple question.

If each comsol with matlab runs independently, this seems to be a simple question.


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