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Natural Convection in a Box

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Hi, I'm trying to get that cats eye picture of natural convection in a box. My solution converges but I dont see any streamlines.

If someone can spot a mistake that I made, it would be helpful. I am trying to change the Rayleighs number in magnitudes of 10.

I had to delete the study to make the file size small enough but I ran the study as a time-dependant with a range of (0,1,180) along with a parametric sweep of the Rayleigh number (not in this model). Currently I only have it set to a Rayleigh number of 1000.

Any help would be appreciated. I attached my file and I am using 4.3b

3 Replies Last Post 2013年8月7日 GMT-4 01:56

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013年8月2日 GMT-4 03:20
Hi David,

You have used "T" as parameter for Temperature 2. You cannot use Comsol variables as parameter. Change "T" to some other letter.

Best regards

Hi David, You have used "T" as parameter for Temperature 2. You cannot use Comsol variables as parameter. Change "T" to some other letter. Best regards Tero

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013年8月5日 GMT-4 13:54

Thank you that worked. I also noticed my initial values were incorrect.

I do have one more question. Is it possible to graph stream functions in COMSOL? If so how?

Tero, Thank you that worked. I also noticed my initial values were incorrect. I do have one more question. Is it possible to graph stream functions in COMSOL? If so how? Thanks, David

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013年8月7日 GMT-4 01:56

What do you mean by stream functions? Do you mean graphic visualization by streamlines?

Br Tero
Hi, What do you mean by stream functions? Do you mean graphic visualization by streamlines? Br Tero

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